Category: Uncategorized
Why Is Your Child Worrying So Much About Everything?
Understanding Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in Kids By Anna Scetinina, MACP, RP, author of A Workbook for Kids Who Worry It’s completely normal for kids to experience occasional worry, especially when facing important tasks like taking tests or dealing with uncertainty about something new, such as traveling or moving to a new home or school.…
OCD in Kids
By Anna Scetinina, MACP, RP, author of A Workbook for Kids Who Worry Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in kids shows up as recurrent and persistent intrusive thoughts of various nature and repetitive physical and mental behaviors (compulsions) in response to those thoughts. OCD causes distress and physical discomfort, such as increased heart rate, nausea, feeling hot…
Supporting Children in Facing Hard Tasks
by Anna Scetinina, MACP, RP, author of A Workbook for Kids Who Worry This article was originally published on on January 18, 2025 and is reposted here with permission. When a child faces a difficult task that triggers anxiety or other unpleasant feelings, such as meeting new people, speaking in front of a group,…